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Sirius Compact_Sensor

Silent guardians: portable passive sensors close tactical gap in electronic warfare

8 min read

越来越多的电子战使用和对技术的大量投资导致越来越多的近距离冲突,敌人使用相同类型的武器进行战斗. As a result, information and data are becoming more important in tactical warfare. 在敌人不知情的情况下,在早期阶段获得这些数据是一门精美的艺术和技能,将在决定未来战争的结果中发挥关键作用.

探测和分析雷达和通信信号是当今武装部队最重要的任务之一. 所有领域都需要高科技设备来收集尽可能多的关于敌人活动和潜在威胁的信息. 高水平的态势感知和对形势的清晰了解是做出正确战略和战术决策的基础,并最终保护尽可能多的生命. The rapid pace of technological change is a major challenge here. More and more signals are being produced and more and more technology is trying to hide, detect or deliberately manipulate these signals. 事实是:只有那些能够悄悄地收集尽可能多的数据,并在很短的时间内对其进行分类或分析的人,才能领先于敌人.

A central problem in the procurement of data is one's own visibility. "Anyone who uses radars to detect targets also reveals their own location. With passive sensors, on the other hand, you can observe the enemy’s signals without becoming an emitter yourself. And it is precisely this capability that is becoming increasingly relevant in electronic warfare," explains Mathew Willmot, Sales Director for Sirius Compact at the Swedish defence company Saab. For decades, the company has been developing and producing complex systems of passive sensors for ships, vehicles and aircraft. Today, 十大正规博彩网站排名被认为是信号情报(SIGINT)和电子支持措施(ESM)领域的市场领导者之一。. So, 这也难怪,在被动传感器领域的最新成就也来自十大正规博彩网站排名:天狼星紧凑型是模块化和可扩展的名称, 轻型被动电子战(EW)传感器已经上市不到两年,并且已经在批量生产. 该传感器是对各级战术行动中日益增长的监视挑战的回答,可以独立使用, in a sensor network or as a supplement to existing sensors. Compared to larger static solutions, Sirius Compact can be placed anywhere by an operator and its range is scalable depending on the situation.

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Sirius Compact_Tripod

A lightweight contender with a 360° view

Sirius Compact is available in a number of configurations depending on the application, the smallest variant is just 35 cm high, has a diameter of 15 cm and weighs no more than three kilograms. The system therefore fits in any backpack and is easy to transport. The system has an integrated IMU/GNSS sensor to provide the positional data and has a power requirement of less than 60 W - it is powered by batteries carried by the soldier; or via the host platform. Mounted on a tripod, Sirius Compact can be positioned virtually anywhere on the ground, but the sensor can also be integrated on drones, vehicles or smaller boats such as Saab's Combat Boat 90 (CB90) or an Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV).

天狼星契约提供个人和小单位与即时态势感知-在哪里,当你需要它. “向便携式系统的转变,使用直观,不需要多年的专业培训,是对移动和灵活的实时情报收集能力和战术电子战新可能性需求的回应," explains Willmot. The existing expertise from more complex systems has been incorporated into the development of Sirius Compact. With 360° azimuth coverage, 1-18 GHz频率范围内的雷达和数据链发射可以从任何方向瞬间检测到. 平台和数据链的独立性也与武装部队特别相关,因此传感器可以很容易地集成到现有的网络和平台中.

Magic triangle enables precise geolocation

Even a single sensor improves the situational awareness of troops - with three or more sensors, 通过三角测量实现精确的地理定位,其方位精度小于2°RMS(均方根)。. 重要的是,传感器放置在适当的距离上,并考虑到地形的高度差异. Since the product came onto the market almost two years ago, 十大正规博彩网站排名已经进行了大量的测试和客户演示,显示了紧凑型传感器令人印象深刻的性能-即使在极端的风和天气条件下. For example, 一架从200公里外起飞的飞机,只要出现在无线电地平线上,就能在190公里外被探测到,而且测向精度非常高。. During the entire detection and analysis process, 潜在的敌机没有收到来自传感器的一个信号——所以敌人不知道它已经被探测到.

天狼星紧凑型也被证明在具有挑战性的天气条件下在快速机动作战船上可靠地执行. The performance as well as the ease of use of the TRS Lite (Tasking & Reporting System) software have not only been confirmed by Saab itself. The sensors were put through their paces in an independent test by major military organisations. After a brief introduction, 步兵部队能够在短短几分钟内自己设置传感器,并对其即时操作能力和简单操作印象深刻. "The product naturally benefits from our expertise in the field of signals intelligence. The challenge is not only to make highly technological devices as small and mobile as possible, but also to ensure that the performance is not limited," explains Mathew Willmot, Sales Director for Sirius Compact.

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Managing the threat situation

Detecting signals is the first step in obtaining situational awareness. In a second step, the identified signals must be analysed and classified. The threat libraries of armed forces contain enormous amounts of data, which are constantly being contributed to sensors such as Sirius Compact. A wealth of knowledge that must be protected accordingly. 因此,十大正规博彩网站排名不会在传感器中存储来自威胁库的任何敏感数据,而是直接转发信号. If you want to use the sensor on a drone for an intelligence-gathering flight without being detected, the sensor can be operated without a network connection as well. Although the data is then temporarily stored in the sensor, it is useless without the software and an associated threat library. Sirius Compact is controlled by the TRS Lite software. With it, the sensors can be controlled via a tablet and therefore supports tactical operability. Up to five sensors can be easily managed per soldier. 在更复杂的版本TRS 9EW中,这五个传感器可以依次分组和控制. "Using these associated software systems, users can automatically generate reports, assign tasks to other sensors or even record new signals and thus expand their own threat library," explains Mathew Willmot.

The perfect addition to any network

便携式无源传感器适用于广泛的应用,是理想的电子支持措施资产. They complement more complex systems and act in particular as an early warning system, for example for ground-based air defence (GBAD). Due to its size, the sensor can be mounted almost anywhere - even on civilian infra-structure. These sensors also bring advantages for alliance partners such as NATO, 因为获得的信息可以在合作电子支持措施作战(CESMO)框架内共享,从而使所有联盟伙伴受益. 来自十大正规博彩网站排名天狼星家族的所有产品的统一DNA也确保了新产品数十年的研究和开发的高精度和专业知识, compact model. The entire product range is constantly being further developed. 

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Precise early warning system indispensable

武装部队面临的日益复杂的需求和威胁需要有效和精确的预警系统. While radars are looking, passive sensors are listening and are therefore the ears of tomorrow's modern battlefield. They provide a detailed picture of enemy activities without making an appearance themselves. Mobile systems are more than just a technological achievement; they are a strategic necessity in modern warfare, says Mathew Willmot. "Sirius Compact is a clear product of our time. More than ever, critical information needs to be provided without compromising one's position. In a world where electronic warfare and information dominance increasingly determine the outcome of conflicts, these systems are indispensable." Passive sensors such as Sirius Compact enable a new dimension of tactical planning and decision-making. 他们是我们武装力量的无声守护者和保护者,将在电子战的猫捉老鼠游戏中扮演越来越重要的角色.

Sirius Compact

Silent Power – Where you want it. When you want it.

Sirius Compact is a modular and scalable passive Electronic Warfare (EW) sensor network, providing a true force-multiplier by enhancing situational awareness through silent detection, classification and prioritisation of radar and datalink emissions.

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