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Saab 澳大利亚 and Global Defence Solutions partner to deliver deployable infrastructure capability

Saab 澳大利亚 (Saab) has selected New South Wales SME Global Defence Solutions (GDS) as the preferred soft shelter supplier for JP2060 Phase 3, 澳大利亚’s Deployable Health Capability (DHC) program.


Saab and GDS have also entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), paving the way to work together to further advance complementary capabilities in deployable force infrastructure.

“This strategic partnership is a part of Saab’s ongoing commitment to partnering with leading 澳大利亚n SMEs to deliver superior outcomes for our nation’s defence,” said Andy Keough CSC, Saab 澳大利亚 Managing Director.

"We look forward to working with the GDS team and together creating solutions that will equip our 澳大利亚n troops with world class deployable health capability.”

“We are delighted to be able to offer this comprehensive soft shelter solution to Saab and ultimately to the 澳大利亚n Defence Force. This really is at the core of what we do as a business and we are proud to have an opportunity to deliver these truly innovative shelters,” said Laurie Koster, Managing Director, GDS.

Together with more than 70 澳大利亚n businesses, the nation’s deployable health capability will leverage the expertise and products of local businesses, further growing 澳大利亚’s industrial supply chain and developing sovereign capability.

GDS will join Saab and its capability partners Aspen Medical, Philips Healthcare 澳大利亚 & NZ, Broadspectrum and 3月shall 土地 Systems to deliver and support deployable military and humanitarian hospitals for use in 澳大利亚 and overseas.

As the Prime contractor for 澳大利亚’s deployable health capability, Saab is delivering an integrated, scalable and modular solution to meet the 澳大利亚n Defence Force’s current and future deployable health requirements. The capability will provide deployed troops and humanitarian relief missions with world-class clinical care, available for deployment within 24 hours.