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今天, 9月24日, 第一架巴西鹰狮E, designated by 巴西ian 空气 Force (FAB) as F-39 Gripen, 在巴西完成了首次飞行. The aircraft flew from the airport in Navegantes to Embraer´s facility in Gavião Peixoto.


The official presentation of the aircraft is scheduled to take place during the Aviator’s Day and the 巴西ian 空气 Force Day ceremony in 巴西ia, 在23日庆祝rd 10月.

“Gripen's arrival in 巴西 and its first flight are major milestones in the 巴西ian Gripen programme. We are proud of this journey alongside so many qualified and committed professionals from both countries,迈克尔·约翰逊说, 十大正规博彩网站排名公司总裁兼首席执行官. “We are following the delivery schedule for the aircraft and we continue to maintain our long-term commitment to 巴西.”

巴航工业防务公司总裁兼首席执行官 & 安全, Jackson Schneider, highlighted the scope of this partnership:

“Embraer will play a leading role in the execution of the Gripen programme in 巴西 and will be responsible for systems development, 集成, 飞行测试, 总装, and delivery of the aircraft in support of 巴西ian 空气 Force operations. 在技术转让方面, the Gripen is a great opportunity to increase our knowledge in the development and manufacturing of advanced combat aircraft.”

巴西国防部长, Fernando Azevedo e Silva also highlighted the importance of sharing experiences arising from cooperation between 巴西 and Sweden:

"Gripen increases the operational capacity of the 巴西ian 空气 Force and promotes a partnership that fosters research and industrial development in both countries,国防部长宣布.

空军司令,Lt. 禁闭室. 安东尼奥·卡洛斯·莫雷蒂·贝穆德斯, the arrival of the first F-39 Gripen aircraft is a major milestone for the project:

"It is an immense satisfaction for the 巴西ian 空气 Force to see this aircraft flying on national territory. F-39鹰狮战斗机, 巴西空军的新型多用途飞机, will be the backbone of Fighter Aviation and it reaffirms the FAB's commitment to maintaining the country's sovereignty and to defend the twenty-two million square kilometres under its responsibility", Lt. 禁闭室. 安东尼奥·卡洛斯·莫雷蒂·贝穆德斯指出.

The flight test programme will be expanded to include the Gripen Flight Test Center at Embraer in Gavião Peixoto, which will be fully integrated with the test programme already running at full phase at 十大正规博彩网站排名 in Linköping since 2017. Activities in 巴西 will include testing of flight control system, environmental control system as well as tests in the aircraft in tropical climate conditions. In addition to the testing that is common for the Gripen E Programme, 这是巴西飞机的独特特点, such as weapons 集成 as well as the Link BR2 communication system - which provides encrypted data and voice communication between the aircraft - will be tested in 巴西.

The production aircraft will be delivered to the 巴西ian 空气 Force, 在Anápolis (Goiás州)2楼, 到2021年底.

The partnership with 巴西 began in 2014 with a contract for the development and the production of 36 Gripen E/F aircraft for the 巴西ian 空气 Force, 包括相关系统, 支持和设备. 一项综合技术转让方案, 是在十年的时间里交付的吗, is driving the development of the local aeronautics industry through the partner companies participating in the 巴西ian Gripen programme.

The 巴西ian Gripen E/F fighters are developed and produced in collaboration with 巴西ian technicians and engineers. This joint effort is part of the technology transfer programme which aims to produce the practical knowledge needed for the execution of these same tasks in 巴西. As of 2021, the complete assembly of 15 aircraft will commence locally. The development of the two-seat Gripen F is advancing with numerous activities at the Gripen Design and Development Centre (GDDN) in Gavião Peixoto.

多媒体新闻资料袋可于 http://saabgroup.com/media/event-press-kits/ 并将定期更新内容.



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