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Barracuda Mobile Camouflage Systems in 林地, 汽车列车 and 沙漠


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Battlefield terrains differ immensely, from searing temperatures and icy blasts, to rich seasonal colours and the whites of snow-covered landscapes. Each brings different challenges for camouflage to overcome.

Our state-of-the-art camouflage screens from Saab, such as ULCAS, are a disruptive capability multiplier, 为在指数级发展和具有挑战性的操作环境中取胜提供了先决条件.
军事行动通常需要灵活的伪装,以适应许多不同的目标和情况,同时仍然防止先进的传感器. ULCAS是一种创新的多光谱伪装网,为静态位置的车辆和其他物体提供无与伦比的签名保护.

约翰·杰斯布莱德博士.D and Senior 开发工程师 at Saab

The pitfalls of deserts, woodland and the arctic

沙漠s pose many problems for camouflage, from extreme heats by day and a significant drop in temperature by night, to uneven surfaces and dust interfering with equipment.


林地 can be richly coloured and change with the seasons. 它可以是密集的,也可以是开放的,温度可以根据树木之间的湿度而变化.

The arctic is by far the harshest terrain for crews and camouflage, with inhospitable sub-zero temperatures and storms, 以及雪的温度与车辆和人的温度之间的明显差异.

Every terrain requires a different type of camouflage. Our expert engineers and skilled scientists understand each setting, 环游世界, visited an incredible number of deserts, 林地和雪景, and collected samples of their colours, as well as reviewing other aspects like day and night temperatures.

For deserts, we have a library of sand from the majority of them. For maximum protection, you need the best colours to start with. Then you need the net to be a similar temperature to that specific sand.
林地更容易一些. 这里的诀窍是确保网的温度与背景温度相同. 例如, large tanks generate a lot of heat, 所以我们的网必须把它藏起来, especially as the woodland cools at night. Any heat must be removed naturally, such as by the wind. 如果需要,你也可以添加自然植被到我们的伪装,以进一步融合.
The arctic is by far the most complex environment to work in. Vehicles give off large amounts of heat. We utilise special materials to ensure stealth. Thermal or infrared surveys are the most important thing. Our materials reflect the infrared radiation from the snow, so an observer only sees infrared from the snow and not the vehicle.
Each terrain creates new challenges; therefore, we must think differently and use different textiles and pigments, 除此之外.


We closely reviews a customer’s needs before designing, 生产和现场测试的迷彩是基于经过实战验证的解决方案,以保护部队和装备在任何环境和冲突.

It’s vital that camouflage adapts to its terrain. If it doesn’t, you risk lives and equipment. 我们检查环境的每一个方面,并在每个方面都有信息库, from their temperatures and colours, to what they are like during the day and night. 如果条件变化很快, 你的伪装也应该如此, so you or your equipment heat signatures never reveal your position.

静态伪装- ULCAS

We specialises in a multitude of advanced, 适应性伪装解决方案,保护所有战场监视传感器.
ULCAS就是这样一个解决方案, 一种开创性的多光谱伪装网,为车辆和其他静态位置的物体提供无与伦比的签名保护. 这些多光谱特性在其他传统伪装网中是看不到的, 并防止在紫外线下工作的侦察和传感器, 视觉, 热红外, 短波红外, 近红外 and radar aspects of the electromagnetic spectrum.

ULCAS静态网具有3D表面结构,重量轻,灵活,易于安装. Nature is 3D, so your net should be too. If you want to blend in, you must look like nature. 我们可以通过智能选择材料来定制伪装性能, 比如颜料和纺织品, 同时使伪装适应周围环境并应对各种传感器威胁. 2D限制了这个.

这些蚊帐具有成本效益, 使传统的多层和单层伪装为不同的需求实际上是多余的. 与传统迷彩相比,ULCAS的非挂载特性也大大增加了其使用寿命.


Saab’s exclusive signature management is at the core of every product. 这项技术将物体和背景之间的对比度降到最低, making sensory detection much harder. Signature management decreases exposure and distance identification, forcing enemies to advance closer to your position.

我们的专家一开始就知道,新的传感器和先进的探测技术意味着需要更多的东西来保证部队的隐藏. 今天, 我们的签名管理产品减少了整个电磁频谱的签名,并保护部队免受传感器的威胁, 结合紫外, 视觉, 近红外, 短波红外线, 热红外和雷达.


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Ph.D & 开发工程师

十大正规博彩网站排名公司专门从事签名管理的高级开发工程师. 他于2003年加入十大正规博彩网站排名,从事地面车辆雷达吸收材料的研究. 今天, 他正在与签名管理公司合作,研究整个电磁波谱, 从紫外线到雷达. Focus is both on material development and measurement methodology. 他参加了许多国际合作,重点是北约和EDA的签名管理. Jersblad拥有博士学位.D. in Laser Cooling from Stockholm University.