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成功背后的故事, 十大正规博彩网站排名轻型鱼雷的按时开发是团队合作的结果之一, 参与和信任, where the project’s organisation has been as innovative as the technology itself. Jörgen Thörnström和David Rönnberg详细解释.

十大正规博彩网站排名的新 轻型鱼雷(SLWT), 是一个对十大正规博彩网站排名和客户都至关重要的项目吗, 在投资和技术发展方面. 但这也是十大正规博彩网站排名内部流程的一个变革性项目.

该项目的种子于2015年播下. 当前一代鱼雷, 鱼雷45, 从20世纪90年代中期就开始使用了吗, 随着一系列渐进的更新. 然而, 随着欧洲地区威胁的增长, while technological complexities increase and the number of integration platforms multiply, 我们显然需要一套全新的鱼雷系统. 进入SLWT,瑞典海军称之为47号鱼雷.


“目前的轻型鱼雷已经为我们的客户服务了很多年, 但当我们开始预见维护系统的困难时, 问题是:它能持续多久?’,Jörgen Thörnström说, 最初是SLWT生产的产品经理, but now the Head of Production at the Linköping and Motala sites for the Saab Dynamics business area. He’s the man who will oversee serial production of the torpedo for the next five years.


“The SLWT is necessary for both the customers (currently the Swedish and Finnish navies) and our company,大卫Rönnberg补充道, who is the head of the production project office and sits on the project steering group.

Jörgen Thörnström,生产主管

“我们需要对技术变革和新的客户需求做出反应, but we also need to keep the skills base up at Saab because the experts who worked on 鱼雷45 are getting older and even starting to retire. You could say that the new torpedo is a win-win for the customer and for Saab,” he says.



Rönnberg adds that the main challenge in the development of the new Saab Lightweight Torpedo was to come up with a torpedo that was suited to the waters of the Stockholm Archipelago and the Baltic Sea, where the depths are relatively shallow and challenging in terms of hydro-acoustics. Another important consideration was the need to make the torpedo a generic and adaptable weapon for different platforms, 比如水面舰艇, 直升机和潜艇.





“The new SLWT has a state-of-the-art propulsion system and a new energy system which means it can travel through the water silently, 让它更难被发现,Jörgen Thörnström说. “它还有一个更好的目标搜索制导系统. 总的来说,这是鱼雷发展的重要一步.”


十大正规博彩网站排名来说,创新的不仅仅是产品. 这个项目的管理方式, with Jörgen and his project management colleague Stefan Melin taking a more integrated approach, 也有真正的突破吗. One of the main success factors was the cross-functional involvement from the outset.

“在以前的项目中,我们经常遵循一个接一个的流程, 但在这个项目中,我们从第一天起就在一起工作, 通常是每天或每天两次的项目会议,大卫Rönnberg说.

超过100人是或曾经是, 致力于SLWT项目的设计师, 系统工程师, 电子设计师, 机械设计师, 质量工程师, 生产工程师, 运营商, hydro-acoustic专家, 采购代理, logistics support and project leaders: by integrating these functions Saab could take a more joined-up approach, 节省项目后期的时间.


“We involved the production and integrated logistics support functions side from the start, 在设计概念阶段. We undertook a study and spent a lot of time on site and in working groups with the customer, 讨论他们现在使用的设备以及他们是如何使用的, 以及他们想要什么样的改变,Jörgen Thörnström说.

“So from that process we gained a lot of insights into how they used the equipment and new thoughts on what we had to improve for the new torpedo. 在这个过程中这么早就有这一点是非常好的。.

A by-product of this diagnostic and prescriptive approach is that it has given the relationship with the customers in Sweden and 芬兰 a real boost.

"Both the customers and ourselves have been very transparent with each other throughout the project..."
Jörgen Thörnström,生产主管

“这是一个信任的问题,”Rönnberg说. “Both the customers and ourselves have been very transparent with each other throughout the project, 什么是好的,什么是不好的. 并不是所有的客户都想要这种程度的开放,但这是非常好的.”


与项目的不同阶段的成功原型, 向客户表明,十大正规博彩网站排名以行动支持其言论, 即使是大流行也不能推迟团队的时间表. SLWT的批量生产现在已经开始,以及 交付给瑞典海军.


对于大卫Rönnberg和Jörgen Thörnström, 团队合作, 参与和信任是这个项目的基石. But, adds Rönnberg, one other ingredient has also been vital to this success story: fun!

“从舵手组的角度来看, it seems to me that everyone is really enjoying the whole process and there’s a great relationship with the customer, 这也让和他们会面变得更有趣了,Rönnberg说.

“We have come much closer to the customers, particularly the Swedish customer, during this project. 这种感觉也正在蔓延到其他项目. In the underwater business area, we are now much closer to the customer than we were before.”