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重要网络 - Safeguarding our future

Increased use of online platforms to compute, 网络和存储数据, means increasing exposure to cyber based danger. Saab’s offer within 重要网络 include the strongest safeguards to counter these in the most efficient way.

Mitigating network failures and information loss

High degree of automation for systems control and management
Vast experience within information security and classified systems
Integrated service-, 设计- - - - - -, and product organization

System complexity and the human factor is the most common root cause to network failures and information loss. To counter these challenges, our design rules are built to keep non-required functions (e.g. 死代码). At the same time our solutions have a high degree of automation for systems control and management in order to approach zero touch – Thereby reducing complexity and through this the risk of network failure.


Affordability by infrastructure cost sharing

Maintaining assurance and security levels throughout the system lifecycle is crucial. By utilizing a number of different solutions, we manage to increase trustworthiness in both hardware and software. This enables infrastructure cost sharing (e.g. XaaS) through mechanisms for trust deficit mitigations, which in turn means increased affordability. 让我们给你看一些例子:

  • 我们的专利:
    • Moving Target Defense-solution for micro-segmentation and
    • AI/ML based defensibility mechanism to countermeasure incidents.
  • Supply chain attacks are efficiently safeguarded by our Software Supply Chain, which ensures we remain in control.
  • By applying formal methods to the data plane implementation, we elevate the information assurance levels of the software defined network solutions.
  • Physically separated user- and management plane.
  • 所有 Saab personnel working with critical networks are furnished with proper security clearance.

Ensuring required security levels

Our long and vast experience within information security and classified systems, ensure that we can bring joint projects through the required framework and certification processes in order to ensure the required security levels.

The threat landscape and damage control

除了, we continually monitor the threat landscape and in worst case scenarios offer high speed patching services to ensure damage control and thereby maintain agreed service levels.


补充我们的服务, we can also offer off-the-shelf and tailor-made network and security elements for your specific needs like:
  • Software defined Cross Domain Solutions such as;
    • Zero trust Policy Enforcement Points (PEP) with APIs to support systems such as siem. E.g.
      • A PEP supporting Time Sensitive Targeting exploiting Data Centric 安全 within the Federated Mission Networking initiative to enable Day-Zero Interoperability between partner nations. See video below from 2021 Coalition Warrior Interoperability Exercise (CWIX).
    • 二极管、滤波器(含. 流数据),旁路等
    • Crypto, Firewall, Data classifiers, etc
  • Data center fabric including L2 switching, L3 routing with support for a selected set of military/civil standardized/proprietary access solutions.
  • Deterministic and defendable datalink networks with deployable land nodes, e.g. through DCIS, airborne and naval nodes. 阅读下面的更多内容.
Thrustworthy networks for collaboration

Watch and listen to our 产品 Manager, Stefan Hagdahl, when he explains our offer within 重要网络.

视频- 1:40
Highly integrated process – cost efficiency through the lifecycle

我们的综合服务, 设计- - - - - -, and product organization ensures a safe and accelerated digitalization process. Combined with our extensive training solutions, and continuous operational development, it result is a cost effective solution throughout the system lifecycle.



...十大正规博彩网站排名开发了RAKEL? The Swedish national digital communications system, used by the emergency services and others in the fields of civil protection, 公共安全及保安, emergency medical services and healthcare, is the world's geographically largest TETRA public safety network. Here are some other major achievenments within the area of 重要网络.

  • Maintains and develops the Swedish Armed Forces’ communication system, Försvarets Telenät (FTN).
  • Maintains and develops Svenska Kraftnät’s transmission system for power distribution.
  • RAKEL - Continuously increased coverage in a large set of national integrity critical properties.
ISO 27001
Saab 重要网络 are certified according to ISO 27001 – Information 安全 Management Systems


Want to know more about our solutions for 重要网络?


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