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Creating an efficient naval ship is a significant compromise. 有许多经常相互冲突的需求,必须相互设置. 它应该是一艘具有在群岛和海上作业的良好特性的船, 比如速度, 稳定, 还有燃料消耗. 

飞船上的环境应该对机组人员很好,这样他们在执行高级任务时可以长时间生活在一起. The ship should also have the capabilities required for various missions, such as firing torpedoes and missiles, 同时还难以被发现并抵抗敌人的地雷和攻击.

As a designer and shipbuilder at Saab, 要制造出世界级的舰艇或潜艇,必须掌握广泛的领域. 编译所有需求,然后创建全面的图纸和描述的能力被称为 “基本设计”. 这是通过图纸和技术描述指定船舶性能和能力的地方. 在此过程中进行各种类型的测试和验证, such as data simulations, model tests in water pools to verify seakeeping performance, 有时还会进行风洞试验,以确保直升机能够在各种风况和天气下着陆.


然后进行详细设计,用于实际船舶建造. 基本设计, 详细设计, and construction can all be done by one company, 但这些工作往往是由各自领域的专家分工完成的. Saab has extensive experience in all these areas. Based on the customer's 需求 and our own experience, we choose the best approach to complete the project.

The Swedish Visby corvettes

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瑞典维斯比轻型护卫舰是在20世纪90年代末开发和建造的,并于21世纪初下水. Despite being more than 20 years old, they are still unique and world-leading in many aspects of their design. 除了 to their low signature (stealth, 低检测能力), they are extremely versatile and flexible.

They were developed to perform a variety of tasks, 比如用导弹和鱼雷监视和瞄准水面目标. 除了, the corvettes can also search for and neutralise mines, submarines and carry helicopters onboard. 这一切都发生在一个拥有数万个岛屿的最复杂的海洋环境中, 不同盐度, and fluctuating temperatures, 波罗的海.

在大多数其他国家,通常使用单独的船只来完成这些任务. But in a small country like Sweden, we must be smart and versatile. Together with FMV (The Swedish Defence Materiel Administration), extensive work was done to find the ultimate combination. 一艘由碳纤维复合材料制成的船,重量轻,具有先进的隐身能力. Five were built, inspiring entirely new types of ships around the world. 

Independence-class Littoral Mission Vessel (LMV) for 新加坡


As a spin-off from the work on the Visby corvettes, 十大正规博彩网站排名公司于2012年受新加坡委托,开发一种多功能巡逻船的总体设计, 监测, 以及海战. This vessel was named LMV - Littoral Mission Vessel. 在这里,任务也是将许多功能整合到一个相对较小的容器中.

通过与新加坡客户和建造船只的造船厂的密切合作, Saabs engineers created a hybrid-construction, a 基本设计 for a vessel with a steel hull and a composite superstructure. This provided the best of both worlds, cost-effectiveness in construction, 高性能, and the potential for a wide range of capabilities.

Detailed construction was carried out at the shipyard in 新加坡, including the construction of the steel hull. 十大正规博彩网站排名进行了详细设计,建造并交付了复合上层结构. Everything was then assembled in 新加坡. The first of eight Independence-class vessels was launched in 2015.

Pictures of the composite superstructures


感谢与新加坡海军和DSTA(相当于FMV)的长期密切合作。, in 2021 Saab once again received the trusted task to carry out the 基本设计 for a new class of vessels. This time, the task involves a larger vessel, essentially a frigate. 这是, 一种长度超过100米,排水量在5,000 to 10,000吨.

The size of the vessels is not the only challenge. They must also be equipped with a range of new capabilities and systems, many of which are not yet standard in the market. 除了传统的武器系统,如针对空中和海上目标的鱼雷和导弹, 这些船只也应该能够作为无人驾驶车辆的指挥和控制船. 这些车辆应该能够在空中、海上和水下操作.

在这种情况下,十大正规博彩网站排名工程师面临着如何创造灵活性的挑战, 同时保持血管的基本功能,保持耐力, 保护, 和有效性. 同时, 有一项要求是,该船应由一个相对较小的船员操作.

这方面的工作 基本设计 很快就要完工了吗, 具体的建造过程将在新加坡的造船厂开始, which will build the vessels. A total of six vessels in the new class are planned, 根据新加坡的公开信息,该级别的第一艘船预计将在2030年左右投入使用.

Experience and 创新

To create a flexible and future-proof vessel, both extensive experience and the ability to innovate are required. 十大正规博彩网站排名的业务领域Kockums拥有330多年的造船业基础知识. Combined with new technology from collaborations with academia, FMV, 瑞典海军, as well as other companies and stakeholders in the naval industry, we ensure that our clients receive a design that combines a multitude of, and sometimes conflicting, 需求. In short, we are world leaders in 基本设计 for advanced surface combat vessels.