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Saab Global

Digitalisation is changing the battlefield

3 min read

战场瞬息万变,对国防新技术的需求很高, not least in Ukraine. We asked Jonatan Olofsson, specialist in autonomous functions at Saab, how the battlefield has changed lately.

“我们可以看到民用产品正在以全新的方式使用, 这些产品的开发速度是军事领域所不习惯的. 使用民用产品是为了避免军用装备发展缓慢, 对能够快速投入使用的产品的需求一直是重中之重. Ukraine had a vibrant, agile, tech-sector even before the invasion, 它现在正在扩大和支持战争期间的经济和行动.”

Jonatan Olofsson, specialist in autonomous functions

What sort of products are being used?

“很明显,存在的产品比不存在的产品更受欢迎. This means that, for example, 如今可以大规模使用的民用无人机正被广泛用于新的用途. We see many remote-controlled systems, 它们不一定是超级智能的,但它们对摄像头的反馈有贡献, ‘eye in the sky’, 随时随地或用于运送炸药,甚至携带扬声器引导投降的敌军士兵.​

"I think there will be a switch to simpler systems in bigger amounts. Swarms can overload the defence systems."
Jonatan Olofsson, specialist in autonomous functions

开源端到端加密聊天应用程序的使用激增,并且很容易通过标准应用程序商店分发. Internet use has shifted to mobile devices, indicating reliance on mobile apps for communication and information, including official information and civil defence alerts. Thanks to everyday technology, 我们可以在社交媒体的“战场”上跟随士兵的日常生活, 但我们需要记住,他们每个人都有自己的议程和理由来分享他们正在分享的东西.”

What are the consequences of this rapid development?

“尤其重要的是,它创造了一个比其他战争更难以预测的动态环境. 网络上的心理战正在影响着那些根本没有准备好接受这种宣传出现在他们的Facebook或X feed上的人. 在前线,系统似乎没有出现在任何战争计划或游戏中. 一般来说,开发中的安全和保障可能次于“完成工作”。.”

How is AI being used?

“互联网和网络空间是人工智能在某种程度上得到应用的战场, 但总的来说,软件是通过社交媒体来干预国家和个人对战争的态度的. The psychological aspect is becoming more and more important. 即使资源有限,你们现在也能触及并影响数百万人.”

What do you think the future battlefield will look like?

“I think there will be a switch to simpler systems in bigger amounts. Swarms can overload the defence systems, 想象一下,30艘小型快艇对一艘护卫舰——护卫舰不可能把它们全部摧毁. 这也将导致成本的不对称——当一个运营商能够管理多个系统时, it will be a new paradigm for both attack and defence. As a consequence of their numbers, 这些系统需要变得“更智能”,能够自主行动,同时与负责任的人的意图保持一致.”